Professional upholstery cleaning is a proven way to completely remove stains from your furniture. At Proclean Properties Inc., we understand that spills are common, if not inevitable, and the resulting stains tend to be difficult to remove with home treatments. We also know that stains on your furniture can be frustrating to live with, but you can rely on our upholstery cleaning services to remove even the most stubborn stains.
Much like carpet, the fabric of your couch or other furniture can accumulate dust and grime with frequent use. Buildup of skin cells, sweat, and other contaminants can cause your furniture to develop stains. Further, too much dust in your upholstery makes your couch a perfect home for dust mites, whose bites cause itchy skin reactions and feces can trigger allergies. A professional upholstery cleaning will remove these embedded irritants, ensuring that sitting on your couch remains the comfortable and relaxing experience it should be.
Dirt and grime in your upholstery will also degrade the fabric over time. Dirt particles in the fibers act like sandpaper, creating friction that wears down neighboring fibers as they rub together. Eventually, if the source is left untreated, the friction will cause the fabric to split or fray. Scheduling regular professional upholstery cleanings with our team at Proclean Properties Inc. will remove these damaging dirt particles and keep your couch sturdy and comfortable for years to come.
Call our team today if you want to ensure a long lifespan for your upholstery and take the next step to promote your family’s health.